Pillow Hardware and Maintenance

Spa pillow headrest hardware such as fixing screws, buttons and sockets. 
Spa pillow maintenance products such as 303 protectant 

303 Aerospace Protectant - Spa Cover & Pillow Headrest Protection Treatment 32oz Spray Bottle

SKU: har303-0950

303 Aerospace protectant - sunscreen for your spa cove r- many other applications including car and boat care 950ml / 32oz trigger spray bottle ...

6 In Stock

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303 Cleaner - Spa Cover & Pillow Headrest Cleaner 32oz Spray Bottle

SKU: har303-0551

303 cleaner - remove grime and stubborn dirt prior to applying 303 Aerospace Protectant 950ml / 32oz trigger spray bottle Vinyl and fabric cleaner can be used for many applications - car, home, carpet, ou...

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Large Spa Pillow Button Stud

SKU: pillowbuttonlg

Suits Spa Pillows with larger recess approx 13mm 17mm Head Diameter x 12mm High...

68 In Stock

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Pillow Headrest Lug Socket - Suits Post Fixing Method

SKU: pillowlug

Suits spa pillow cylindrical posts - 10.5mm Diameter Shell hole size required - 14.5mm, 10.3mm ID, 13mm Long ...

32 In Stock

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Spa Pillow Headrest Button hole fit Suction Cup

SKU: csc

SUCTION CUP - suits spa pillows with 'Button' holes Sold individually...

235 In Stock

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Spa Pillow Headrest Button Stud

SKU: pillowbutt

Screw these to the spa shell with stainless steel screws. Pillow clips over the studs Suits pillows with 15mm recesses. 16mm Diameter head x 9mm High...

357 In Stock

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Sundance Spas Pillow Double Suction Cup

SKU: sd6000-162

Suit all Sundance Pillows 1998+ (does not suit pre 98 pillows which have suction cups molded into pillows) Can be used on other pillows however the knob that presses into the pillow is slightly smaller diame...

6 In Stock

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